Thursday, July 7, 2011
Friday, January 28, 2011
Two Causes + One Long Bike Race = 2011 Tour Divide, Here I Come!
1 B-Line: Sustainable Urban Delivery
2 Sauvie Island Center
I have chosen these two for a number of reasons, I wanted to send money towards something that involved the following: bikes, organics, produce, local stuff, kids. Between those two organizations my bases are covered. I came to know each of these through my work at an organic produce warehouse called Organically Grown Company.
So, let me tell you about how awesome both organizations are.
B-Line has been delivering electric trike-loads of produce for nearly two years now. This excerpt from their website sums up how awesome there are in less words than I will so allow me to copy and paste.
B-Line specializes in sustainable delivery to the urban core. We partner with businesses large and small to take care of their downtown and close-in delivery needs so that they don’t have to deal with the challenges of conventional trucks and vans. This, in turn, creates a more sustainable, livable community for all.
Founded in Portland, OR in February of 2009, B-line has begun to make our mark. Over 10,000 deliveries and 12,000 miles later we have reduced CO2 emissions by an estimated 54,000 pounds, delivered approximately 400,000 pounds of organic produce, provided hours of sustainable, eye-catching advertising for our partners, promoted the greenest beverage launch event to date, and put a smile on thousands of faces who suddenly realize what a tricycle can do.
I've been enamored with B-Line ever since I first discovered them at my work. I've packaged up their produce orders many times and I'm proud to say it. So yeah, they're a cool company, but then they created the B-Share program and elevated their awesomeness to a whole new level. This nifty little video explains it pretty well.
So this covers bikes, local stuff, organics, and produce, but what about the kids??? Enter the Sauvie Island Center.
Sauvie Island Center
The Sauvie Island Center increases food, farm and environmental literacy in the community by providing hands-on educational field trips for elementary school children. The trips take place on the Sauvie Island Organics farm and on the grounds of the 120 acre Howell Territorial Park, managed by Metro.
A trip to Sauvie Island Center is a rich and unique opportunity for Portland elementary school students to visit and explore the sixteen acre Sauvie Island Organics farm. Kids learn about plant parts by finding them on the farm, and tasting them fresh from the field. They learn about the role insects, birds and animals play in the larger food web by exploring a forested area in the park. They learn about healthy soil and decomposition by digging through the compost piles on the farm.
Our trips also include the Grow Lunch Garden, where children plant, tend, harvest and eat fresh vegetables from their own field. There’s no better way to learn about healthy food, healthy bodies and a healthy planet.
If you live in Portland, you've probably been to Sauvie Island. It's a beautiful chunk of farm land just to the north of town, perfect for a rural bike ride or even an escape by car. It's lush grasses and awesome views make it seem almost magical. So, what a better place to send kids to learn about organics and life on the farm? Being a vegan and working at an OG produce warehouse, the Sauvie Island Center seems like a natural choice to help sustain what is very important to me. While it may not be as hip as B-line's B-Shares program, the Sauvie Island Center is the perfect compliment. One is about feeding people and the other about sustaining healthy food. Pretty much the basics of human life the way I see it. Also, food is one third of the "Eat, Sleep, Ride" motto of Divide racing.Why donate?
Because the causes are rad.
How to donate?
Just going to either of the following sites and donate via PayPal. Just be sure in the comments to input NathanJonesTourDivide for tracking.
Then watch to watch the race unfold.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Highway 99 Superloop
highway 99 superloop
Share your Adventures with SpotAdventures
Friday, January 7, 2011
2011 TD LOI and other ramblings
So, here I am throwing my name into the ring for this thing when I had said before that I had no intention of racing it this year and that I was going to wait for 2012. Well, months passed and the body healed. The bike, which I raced 2500 miles this summer, looks to be in fantastic condition as well. "Why not just give everything a thorough rework and go for it?" I thought. My race ended near Steamboat Springs, CO last year. From that point I kind of limped slowly to the finish, weakened by malnutrition. The divide is tough, vegan life on the divide is MENTAL! Drastic steps are going to need to be taken so I don't hit the wall like last time.
Step one, I've quit caffeine and beer/alcohol mostly until the race. It's a big step, I live in the northwest where the best coffee seems to explode from every corner and the same for the beer as well. I don't expect to completely abstain from both, but for the most part that's what's going to happen. I will have to wait until July for a chocolate espresso stout, sigh.
Step two, find a cause to donate too. I'm looking for things that are or involve (bikes, organics, produce, local stuff, kids) Pretty straight forward. I'm looking to get this nailed down in January in one way or another. Donations seem easy right?
Me: Want to make a donation for my bike race this summer? I'm only asking a penny a mile.
Somebody else: Oh yeah, for what cause?
Me: XXXX cause
Somebody else: Wow that sounds great, how far you riding?
Me: 2,745 miles.
Somebody else: I can't add that fast, sorry I don't think I will be able to donate.
Or maybe people just won't add it up! Anyway, I'm joking here if you can't tell. If you have any rad causes you think I should support along previously mentioned lines, please hit me up! On to step three!
Step three, transcend! I'm going to need to adopt the lifestyle of a monk, but with considerable amounts more excercise and eating. Being a vegan, and having given up caffeine and booze, the only area of weakness left is in my stretching routines. This is mainly because my flexibility was destroyed racing the divide this year and I'm going to ensure that it doesn't happen again. I think when Feb rolls around I should have a new routine developed to triple down on my stretching.
Everything else should be business as usual. Eat, sleep, ride! Coming up the next weekend will be a 209 mile tour of 99 east and west in hopefully a scant 18 hours. The spot tracker will be active! Here's to 2011 being the year of the bike!
Sunday, July 4, 2010
A day at the car wash - Prepping for battle
Sunday, January 24, 2010